The I-20 entrance is CLOSED due to ongoing construction. Use the S. Garfield entrance instead.
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Agreements and Policies

Approved Vendor Contract Instructions

We are thrilled to offer the opportunity for local businesses to join the Horseshoe's approved vendor list for catering and alcohol vendors. This will be a continually growing list as we hope to provide renters as many options for using local businesses to supply their event needs.

To remain on the vendor list, under #2 on each contract please list a term of 24 months beginning the day you deliver the contract through two years from that date.

Please complete the contract that fits your business and return it with the required deposits and insurance documentation either by delivering or mailing it to:
Midland County Horseshoe
2514 Arena Trail
Midland, TX 79701

If you are an alcohol vendor, please make sure to also download the Horseshoe Alcohol Policies which are now in effect.

If you have any questions about joining the approved vendor list, contracts or venue policies, please contact Midland County Horseshoe Event Coordinator, Natalie Cooper at

Thank you and we look forward to working with you!

Approved Catering Vendor Agreement

Approved Alcohol Vendor Agreement & Policies

Concession Stand Agreement

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